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John Henry Hickerson

Date of Death: December 22, 2023
candle-small flame
marlin and Marlin Hendry
candle-small flame
Sara Donald
candle-small flame
Carol Palmer Hudson Light a candle
Light a Candle

Services will be private

John Henry Hickerson, 75, of Winchester, VA, passed away on Friday, December 22, 2023, at Winchester Medical Center. John Henry was born in 1948 in Shelby County, OH, the son of the late Martin and Margaret Hickerson. He was a high school graduate and served our country in the United States Air Force. John HenryContinue Reading

marlin and Marlin Hendry left a message on December 29, 2024:
John was a good friend and he is missed.
Sara Donald left a message on October 21, 2024:
Vision I came to the mountains for beauty And I find here the toiling folk, On sparse little farms in the valleys, Wearing their days like a yoke. White clouds fill the valleys at morning, They are round as great billows at sea, And roll themselves up to the hill-tops Still round as great billows can be. The mists fill the valleys at evening, They are blue as the smoke in the fall, And spread all the hills with a tenuous scarf That touches the hills not at all. These lone folk have looked on them daily, Yet I see in their faces no light, Oh, how can I show them the mountains That are round them by and and by night? - Jessie B Rittenhouse - This poem made me think of you, your love of nature, and hours spent within.
Dave Ratz left a message on January 13, 2024:
Probably Sept 2004
Dave Ratz left a message on January 13, 2024:
I have so many good memories of John, working beside him filling jars of honey at the plant, laughing at how he stored cheese in the mesh of his bee helmet taking a bite in between loading supers on the truck. He would often break out with an old song... 'the shadows were high, and eternity near...' I remember his sheepish grin when we picked on him after he gave us a good one-liner. How we would come to the house and sit at the table until everything was eaten. He had a bottom-less stomach and was still thin as a rail. Going out spot-lighting for rabbits in our front field. Visiting him years later and going fishing at a dam for wall-eye or google-eye or something like that. He and Art were cut from the same back country, can fix anything, heart of gold, truly lovable... I will miss you John Henry 'Calhoon' Hickerson. See you on the other side, Ratz
Carol Palmer Hudson left a message on January 13, 2024:
Our family loved you deeply, John. We are so sad to lose you. See you at the resurrection, my friend.
Peace of mind is a call away. We're here when you need us most.
Autumn Jones left a message on January 1, 2024:
John, thank you for sharing your knowledge and love of nature with us. Thank you for your good humor when we laughed at your ‘singing’. Thank you for standing in for dad at my wedding when he couldn’t be there. You will be missed. Love, Audie
Sara Donald left a message on December 26, 2023:
Uncle John Henry, I wish I could have told you this before you passed on: thank you. Thank you for the fond memories of the arboretum, how you would take me there as a little girl and show me your bluebird boxes. You always let me run wild. You were one of my favorite people, an introspective man who loved nature, and encouraged my own interest in it. I cherish the nature books you gave me, and I remember how you could identify any plant or bird call. You truly made such a positive impact in my life. I still remember how you would stand and laugh as I tried every herb at Blandy Farm, and say I was like a rabbit. And that time I found a small tree frog in the leaves, you were so impressed and said "good eye." You were an awesome man, John Henry, and I will always hold our memories dear. Mom was telling me the other day how you walked her down the aisle and how you were so proud. Well, I'm proud that such a thoughtful and tender hearted man was my uncle. Every time I see a bluebird, I think of you. I'm going to put a bluebird box up in your honor. I love you, and I know you're at peace now. See you on the other side. -Sara
Omps Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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