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Dr. Patricia Jane Baldwin PhD

Date of Death: July 22, 2024
candle-small flame
Louise H Snyder
candle-small flame
Lee Sanford Light a candle
Light a Candle
First Presbyterian Church
116 South Loudoun Street
Winchester, VA 22601
Friday 8/2

Reception to follow at the Church


In Lieu of flowers Memorial contributions may be made to:

The Charity of ones Choice


Nursing Scholarship at York College of PA
York, PA

Patricia Jane Baldwin, 91 of Winchester, VA, passed away on Monday, July 22, 2024, at Shenandoah Valley Westminster Canterbury. Pat was born in 1932 in Philadelphia, PA, the daughter of the late Nelson Miles and Jane Ellison Buck.  She earned her bachelor’s degree in biology from Florida Southern University, her master’s degree in nursing fromContinue Reading

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Louise H Snyder left a message on August 30, 2024:
Thank you,Dr.Baldwin,for being such an inspiration and nurse educator to us during our course of study at George Mason University. You were never ever forgotten in your kindness and principals. I still carry the poem that you wrote to us on our last day in seminar. You were dearly admired and loved. Thanks from my heart,I often wished our paths had crossed again. Perhaps,one day,it shall. Louise Snyder,retired Army Nurse and RN,following many pathways,at John Hopkins.
Lee Sanford left a message on July 29, 2024:
In memory of Dr. Patricia Jane Baldwin PhD, Lee Sanford lit a candle
Omps Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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